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    My point is how much pull does she have with liberals, being one herself. About me  writing crap, you responded…
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  • What do I say about that?? Not much. Although you, and people like you in Florida may have cost Al…
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  • I don't live in New York, so I could care less whether or not they listen to her.
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  • I am a moderate Independent, who leans Democratic on most issues. That's all I say for now. If you want…
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  • Brenda, a few things to get straight. First off, I am not a Democrat. Never have been, probably never will…
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  • Welcome to the club. I got banned from Kos simply for one reason, my strong support for Lieberman. Seems D-Kos…
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  • My Dolphins gave it a good shot, but Culpeppers two picks were the difference.
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  • It's easy to turn the channel when Cheney comes on, just think of who his boss is. That does it…
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  • If you take a look at my username, it's east coastMODERATE This might upset some of you lefties, but the…
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  • what's the matter aloha, can't stand the truth???
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  • Man, you guys will do just about anything, including ignoring the facts to protect your boy. Lamont can anything, and…
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  • Your the one who needs to get a clue. Neddie is a raging HYPOCRITE. I do not want a raging…
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  • I don't wager, but the consensus is still strong that Lieberman will retain his seat, then we can get rid…
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  • I agree with most of what you say Boo-Man, but you are a little optomistic on a couple of races.…
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  • Remember this??!!! http://www.broadcastingcable.com/CA334711.html
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  • He's right, Lieberman is the only true Democrat in the race . You have Ned Lamont, who is just a…
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  • Kind of odd thought that a man like Dersohwitz would support Bolton. Talk about strange bedfellows.
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  • This diary makes my diary even more relevent on why anyone would want to support this man.
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  • I am not spewing NY Post talking points at you, what I am saying is that some people have a…
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  • I guess all you idiots find it acceptable to slime someone else with hatred and bigotry!!! Was it the fact…
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