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    PSI has gotten one my ass every once in a while. He tells me in no uncertain terms to basically…
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  • Bill Clinton on Keith Olbermann show on Friday, and with Tim Russert on Sunday after the Ryder Cup. Mush see…
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  • Yes, Hugo sure has a mouth on him don't he??
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  • Now, that would be a site to behold!!!
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  • Ask George Bush what gives!!!
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  • Wrong Boo-Man. Chavez' biggest asset is his oil, sure, but he's been in power now for some time, and he…
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  • Boo-Man, yeah the war still goes on. However, the media has been having fun with Ahminejad, (sp) and Chavez to…
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  • Boo-Man, yeah the war still goes on. However, the media has been having fun with Ahminejad, (sp) and Chavez to…
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  • As I told Boo-Man when I first signed up, I AM GOING TO ROCK THE BOAT!!
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  • Blueneck, get a life!!! This has nothing to do with Lieberman. Next time you want to respond to a diary…
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  • I don't care when he took it. I hope he continues taking all the money thrown his way.
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  • Running as an independent, he's free to take money from whoever wants to throw it at him. I would too.
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  • Lieberman will also not vote for a Republican majority.
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  • Lieberman is not jumping ship. He has said it a million times. He will caucus with Democrats.
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  • I like Harmon on intel., and Lantos on foreign relations. Skelton is OK as well.
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  • It's a mad mad mad mad world. Love that movie. All the stars made it a classic. Also liked Schindler's…
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  • I also noticed old Neddie didn't have any solutions of his own. He just badmouthed Lieberman. Seems to me like…
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  • I just took an average of the newest 5 polls I saw. The average is 7.3% Not where I want…
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  • I wonder how long it's going to take Ned to realize how much of a flip flop artist he was…
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  • Chris Bowerd over at MyDD gives the win to Chaffee
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