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    I seriously doubt this is the same group as when Romney was speaking.
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  • Such blantant fear-mongering with a side of lies.  How do Republicans sleep at night being such a constant state of…
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  • I posted about this in the other thread: CNN is reporting that his supporters had no idea.  That response when…
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  • Remember that from Chappelle's Show?  Well, if black people could do that in real life, we'd get rid of Keyes…
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  • It will be interesting to see how voters in those Super Tuesday states would have voted if Romney had dropped…
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  • When I told my husband about this post last night and what I posted, his response was, "You buying a…
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  • McCain going all Wally George on them and then beating them both with chairs.  
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  • I posted to my blog: See, this is why you don't tap out your big donors a year before any…
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  • It just seems that the few normal Republicans I know like Bloomberg.  Then again, this is CA people we're talking…
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  • What the hell, those crazy freepers sound like Taylor Marsh Michelle Malkin just making up stuff.
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  • I bet CNN was all set to uninvite Paul to the debate now that he didn't do so well on…
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  • There's very few people left who the conservatives will rally around, why not throw their lot behind another person who…
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  • CNN is reporting that his supporters had no idea.  That response when he said he was standing aside was proof…
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  • First time in a year that Romney hasn't worn an ugly tie.
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  • I just saw that at ThinkProgress...I'm watching the CNN stream right now.  
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  • I read that Morgan piece and was embarrassed to be female.  It was all half-truths, no facts and emotion.  If…
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  • When people ask me why Obama over Clinton, when I drive home the point that on paper they look the…
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  • BTW, I'm extremely patronizing or so I'm told.  I don't try to be, but I get that both online and…
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  • Maybe it's my cynicism.  I was thinking about those FL and MI delegates and how they'd come into play with…
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  • I've read on the internets and heard too many women, so-called progressive women, who said that they'd vote for Rice…
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