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    Polls just closed in a gajillion states.  CNN is projecting winners. McCain for Illinois and Connecticut Romney:  Massachussetts Obama:  Illinois…
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  • Huckabee is up over McCain by 3 votes.
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  • That according to exit polls, Obama received 43% of the white vote.  In Georgia.  In Georgia!  I was looking at…
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  • I found this:
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  • that makes me laugh.
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  • I put it on my blog too. It's good.
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  • One of my favorite political photos of her is from 2 years ago:
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  • I posted it too my blog, but here's one of the photos that my little girl demanded I take: There…
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  • Have you guys seen this map?  Twitter and Google teamed up for a live map of voters.  It's pretty neat.
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  • At the rally on Sunday, some lady stole the sign that was for my daughter.  My kid was pretty upset.…
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  • If I had my way, I'd be our next president.
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  • And that would be a pretty good ticket.
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  • I already held my nose and voted a ticket with him on it and I didn't like it. I've never…
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  • If Obama puts Edwards on his ticket, that just may be enough for me not to vote.
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  • Roland Martin has a commentary piece saying what I've been trying to explain to people wondering about a VP choice…
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  • Perhaps you don't know what "setting up strawmen" means.  In any case, it makes no sense.   I ignored the…
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  • That Obama carried Indonesia.  Really shocked, I am. ;P
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  • One more reason why Romney lacks the judgement to be president: Former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, campaigning alongside Romney,…
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  • That's like when the narrative coming out of YearlyKos was all the "young people" and I'm reading that on my…
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  • Because then I guess I have fake southern accent too, on those rare moments I'm forced to give a speech.…
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