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    I only have Sierra Nevada and white wine, neither of which I'm desperate enough to drink right now.
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  • MSNBC just called it for him.
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  • Do you think they have a bet over who can make the most movie references throughout the night?  Every time…
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  • I just reloaded and saw Edwards at 39%.  I cold have sworn I saw MSNBC give Utah to Obama.
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  • I think MSNBC called Utah for Obama.
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  • People like to focus on sexism, but it's Hillary Clinton.  You couldn't pay me to vote for her.  We'd get…
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  • That movie, "There Will Be Blood" looks so incredibly DULL.  I want to sleep every time they show that and…
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  • My shoe almost went through the TV at that comment.
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  • Are you guys seeing this info about tornadoes in TN and KY?
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  • I was hoping for some upsets and nothing has really surprised me so far.  
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  • I said, "You're a fucking moron, Chris."
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  • She was polling ahead in those states.
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  • Has Romney won any other state?
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  • I guess the southern states are no longer a reliable bloc.  LOL...I'm amazed that each of these states have gone…
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  • No surprise, but considering the Gov. and both Senators endorsed Obama, that stings a bit.
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  • Is killing me...Clinton is ahead in so many states, but her delegate count is still pretty low.  Chuck Todd didn't…
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  • msnbc is calling it for him.
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  • MSNBC was being cautious about the TN race, but then called it for Clinton.  
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  • Yes, they just called New Jersey for Clinton, but that was also expected.
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  • They're projecting McCain gets New Jersey.
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