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    Did you read my comment above?  This is huge.  I came into last night fully expecting that Clinton would win…
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  • There's some number cruncing and wonderful insight going on over there.
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  • Goes to Obama.  That surprises me.  I thought that would be Clinton territory like the Republican areas of CA.  
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  • I know that I've read a gajillion times in books.  It wasn't Obama's (duh) and it certainly wasn't Shriver's.
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  • My husband expected a huge Obama-slide.  I told him that there was no way Obama was going to win all…
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  • Older white women are voting for the Clinton's because she's female.  And then exhorting us younger women to use our…
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  • I'm watching the CA map change from Clinton to Obama in some counties and counties where the gap is closing…
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  • It looks like some of the votes we're seeing are just from early voting with no precincts reporting.  
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  • It's such bullshit since they only play the game the day before elections.  It's kinda lame.  And they act "surprised"…
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  • here it is
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  • Damn undecided voters.  I kept telling everyone to look at those 13% - 16% undecideds.  I knew they'd break for…
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  • Now, they only have about 7% reporting, but Clinton shot up: DEM   Clinton 55.0%  Obama 32.7%  Edwards 9.9%  …
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  • To change faster.  Here is an map of California precincts reports by county.
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  • DEM   Clinton 53.2%  Obama 34.6%  Edwards 9.9%   GOP   McCain 45.7%  Romney 22.9%  Huckabee 12.0%   2.2% reporting
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  • Just called it for Clinton.
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  • Okay, it was funny when he called North Dakota for Romney and said something like, "Romney finally won a state…
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  • I don't know why, but every time I see him, I'm shocked he's not a woman.  I'm always so convinced…
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  • And they haven't!
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  • Is Mitt Romney hearing his words?  Bush the Elder and Hoover gave us strong economies?  The oil producing states are…
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  • Those people at the Romney campaign actually have foam mitts.  
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