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    I always use the word Chris after it.
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  • The poor Republicans.  What I wrote last night: If you rolled up all the GOP candidates into one, yeah, you'd…
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  • That's a stretch.  I'm sick and tired of people telling me that I've said horrible things about Clinton.  That wasn't…
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  • Both my Senators voted yes.  That's amazing to me.  I thought Feinstein would have had a change of heart these…
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  • Spitball.  Spittlehead.  The Gusher.  Lying sack of shit.  Asshole.  Nimrodic Nincompoop.  Chunklehead.  Fromunda.  Fucking Moron.   Oh, I can go…
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  • Anyone who's paid attention to the mindless words I post, know that I was very doubtful of the 50 state…
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  • The liberal blogosphere is such a joke now.  I poke into corners of the internet and see people openly laughing…
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  • Talking to people in my (Latino) area, who are overwhelming Obama, they were kind of shocked.  They all said the…
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  • Hurricane 1 oz white rum 1 oz Jamaican dark rum (Appleton preferably) 1 oz Bacardi® 151 rum 3 oz orange…
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  • I'd pay off my house and bills.   Convert my MINI to an electric vehicle.   OMG...put my kids into…
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  • Thanks to Major Danby: Obama is a Fungi! He grows on people the more time he spends with them. I'm…
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  • Er...except the gardening ones. Oh and definitely anything that cuts wood or metal.   Seriously though...If she can't raise $3M…
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  • Just like when you look at Clinton and see a female, when you look at Obama, you kinda notice he's…
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  • These extrapolations mean shit.  I guess to pro-Clinton white women, it's threatening and heart-clutching and such, but I'm looking at…
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  • Well, look at her team.  They keep doing the same things over and over again...and losing over and over again.…
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  • They run into Romney territory.  Do they really want the headlines to talk about how they're using family money to…
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  • Over a Jack and Jill Politics, B-Serious commented: Other than that, it looks like Obama has Clinton right where he…
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  • To my mind, Obama didn't need to win the liberal states to show he's a viable candidate, he needed to…
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  • I'm assuming the Clinton campaign has pushed the need to to count those.  I can't remember the media adding unpledged…
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  • I mentioned that last night.  And she keeps mentioning them too. I say, if she wants to mention MI and…
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