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    You're too kind. The "we" that ended legal segregation had nothing to do with Abbie Hoffman. Abbie Hoffman made a…
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  • I like the way you left out "...got the provision he didn't like altered so he could do what he…
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  • Perhaps the administration is willing to take a stand to close Gitmo since they no longer have to face reelection.…
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  • Hold on now.  Are these people you guys are mentioning senators who came out in public against closing Gitmo, or…
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  • Elizabeth Warren is not a particularly good candidate.  She lacks the warm, approachable, personable, regular-folks persona of a John Kerry.…
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  • What, you can't see Scott Brown as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces? I forgot that Jeb was at…
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  • Americans say they don't like dynasties.  They also say they don't like negative campaign ads, and obesity, and the purchase…
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  • Watching critics - have you ever held any legislative office, ever? - hold forth on Barack Obama's alleged legislative shortcomings…
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  • I love how now that the election is over Boo feels the need to prove his "centrist" cred. ...by linking…
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  • I think the clock is going to run out regardless of the intentions of either side.  That is good for…
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  • a nuclear disarmament treaty, the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the 9/11 worker compensation act, and the Food Safety…
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  • It would have lasted only a couple of months until the Republicans came back to negotiate for the best deal…
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  • I predicted Panetta to State a while back, and Kerry going to Defense. I think if Panetta wanted another position…
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  • Perhaps it would be useful, when considering the record of John Kerry, someone with three decades in the Senate, including…
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  • I think it's more "clarifying" whether you support Secretary of State Clinton. OK, you do not. The commenter who does…
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  • But Kerry's AUMF vote and his "reporting for duty" tone at his convention are hard for me to dismiss. This…
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  • I love it when your forged-titanium certainty in your own superiority is accompanied by such a bone-headed, obvious error, like…
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  • The biggest differences I can see between liberals and progressives are 1) tactical (how big a bite should we try…
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  • Tell me why I'm wrong It seems to me that your metaphor doesn't accurately describe the behavior of "progressives."  They…
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  • Republican control in the House is the result of gerrymandering.  The Democrats won the most votes in Pennsylvania's House races,…
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