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    Well, when people look at him, most see a black man. We should not accept the social constructions of our…
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  • Why do you think "handsome, bright" and "black" are distinct categories, anyway? See, anyone can play this stupid game.  I…
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  • I see a handsome, bright black kid. So do you, if you're not trying to strike a pose on the…
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  • We, individually, don't get a choice.  "Socially constructed" does not mean "optional." The value of the American dollar is socially…
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  • Good one. It's up there.
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  • It's structural.  This is the first time Obama gets to be the hostage-taker.
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  • In his own words, "When I walk down the street, nobody thinks I'm white." Here's a picture of Barack Obama…
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  • There's a black man in the White House.
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  • The Yahoo comment section. It is also the most appropriately named thing on the internet.
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  • JeffL, above, links to a great story on this topic. Check out this graphic: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/06/10/sunday-review/racially-charged-web-searches-and-voting .html
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  • Is there a worse epithet in our political discourse than telling someone you hope their party picks a nominee from…
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  • Yes, hence the reference to cheese grits.
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  • Right.  Why do people always forget that Keynesianism has two halves? Printing lots of money is great during a recession,…
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  • The 1986 tax reform include closing a lot of loopholes.  Did you know that credit card interest used to be…
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  • I remember people saying the same thing - many people, many of the leading lights of the left-wing blogosphere -…
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  • Obama just doesn't have that small-town, regular-folks, relatable personality that made John Kerry so popular. Who amongst us has not…
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  • Their votes count just the same as anyone else's, but their hostility to the president created the illusion of a…
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  • When moderate Catholics start organizing against their hierarchy and the Vatican, I'll see them as part of the solution Voice…
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  • Words and arguments will never get through to people like that. But for some of them, an improving economy will.…
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  • 2014...Repukes gain in the House, and finally take the Senate!!! 2016...due to second Recession due to Obama's massive ego unwilling…
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