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    You and Green Caboose are hitting 'em out of the ballpark here.
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  • No, he despises a tiny set of left-wingers who have an outsized microphone on the internet. Only a vanishingly small…
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  • But before we can move forward, even with Democrats in power, we have to reverse some of the institutionalization of…
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  • About that addendum: the peaceful, democratic transfer of power from one parliamentary PM to another is perfectly in keeping with…
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  • I'm very interested in seeing what the State Department report has to say about the episode. Darryl Issa?  Mitt Romney?…
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  • Ditto. I never set out to fight a class war, but these people launched a Pearl Harbor against the middle…
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  • The one who was offered a promotion when the facts of her performance came out? The one who was condemned…
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  • Uh huh.  Obama just had the election handed to him.  It's not like he ran a good campaign or anything.…
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  • I do not think putting in people like Olympia Snowe or Dick Lugar would "insulate" Obama from Republican attacks. The…
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  • This is the reality-based community. The question of whether an officeholder has allies willing to have her back is, on…
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  • As Michael Grunwald explains in "The New New Deal", it was a far larger stimulus and far greater re-working of…
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  • The plan to convert Republicans hasn't worked out so well, has it. The plan to convert Republicans got him elected…
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  • We laugh at Republicans when they make this argument.  We should laugh at Democrats who make it, too.
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  • A national tie does not necessarily mean there will be any statewide ties.
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  • If they have a "vehicle of interest," then this wasn't a random shot from a mile away going through a…
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  • Yep.  An inability to empathize - he actually thought everyone would find the story about his dog funny and humanizing…
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  • I can't repeat the name of someone I've just been introduced to. I'm the same way, and I worked for…
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  • Wow, Romney screwed up trying to use the attack in Libya to score political points? That's so strange.  It worked…
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  • Booman, don't you realize the fact that Romney lied the whole time means nothing.  Style over substance. Romney is a…
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  • His convention speech was very good.  It only seems like "no great shakes" when you compare it to Bill's, Michelle's,…
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