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    But if you live sort of near the rail line, when you open your windows at home you hear it…
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  • I predict that Mitt Romney will, at one or more times, act like a spoiled jerk. Further, I predict that…
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  • It's less than eight hours after you posted, and clicking on your links brings me to charts that make your…
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  • The thing is, you're both right. Southern white males approve of what he said AND he's selling them out. I…
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  • Citizens United allowed one Romney opponent after another to stay alive in the primary campaign.  Gingrich had his billionaire, Santorum…
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  • McCain had a new strategy every day in the last two months of the campaign - now we see that…
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  • we spent all of our time watching The Flip Wilson Show on TV and laughing at stuff that wasn't really…
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  • He's a judge.  There's a certain amount of deference he's supposed to show towards the laws passed by the legislature.…
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  • I think they just didn't want to spout off before they had solid information. After Bush, it's tough to find…
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  • That was pretty cheesy. (Looks at Mitt Romney). Yeah.  Well, anyway...
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  • High praise.
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  • "Remember, I compared it to arm-wrestling. It can look competitive for a long time, but ultimately one side is stronger…
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  • Shorter Nick: Don't give someone who is dying of thirst a glass of water, because people can drown in the…
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  • The Weimar Republic pursued a deliberate policy of hyperinflation in an effort to make the Versailles reparations cheap to pay…
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  • Let us not forget that that was not just something he said. The Bush administration shut down the CIA's bin…
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  • I notice a lot of posters here think drones are no big deal.  I'm sure you'd think the same way…
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  • They could put this comment in the section of the logic textbook where they define the fallacies. Calvin doesn't offer…
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  • Just to put this into perspective: about 2700 innocent civilians were killed by al Qaeda on 9/11 (this is counting…
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  • Typical bullying behavior of the the firebagger set.  He spends all of his time denouncing other Democrats - it's the…
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  • They point is, they think he's in enough trouble to warrant opening a "Victory Center."
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