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    Marcy Wheeler thinks Obama should have told his intelligence briefers, "Okay, you covered your ass," when they warn him about…
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  • The numbers are 58% against to 42% in favor.  A sixteen point margin is a landslide in American politics. Nice…
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  • "Words in your mouth." Lie. I never accused you of saying anything about the House or Senate.  You, quite dramatically,…
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  • I like to phrase it as, "Republicans have lost the popular vote in 4 of the last 5 elections.  The…
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  • The statement I was replying to was: "the overwhelming majority of Democrats,  both "liberal" and "progressive", aided mightily by the…
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  • "that sound like" Sound like to whom? To many conservatives, the arguments for affirmative action "sound like" the arguments for…
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  • No matter how overwrought you are when you use inappropriate words to create a false impression, it will never be…
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  • With the exception of a too-small minority, the Democrats went along with Bush in everything he wanted to do The…
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  • You start off complaining about the Bush administration pinning a massacre on the wrong guy just because they wanted to…
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  •  the overwhelming majority of Democrats Huh?  The overwhelming majority of Democrats voted against the AUMF, and opposed the war all…
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  • Much of the traditional convention bounce comes from rolling out the V.P. selection. Romney had to roll out Ryan in…
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  • Just whatever they put in front of me, with a great respect for the people who put these things in…
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  • People on the internet are full of shit. Surprise!
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  • Only 50% said that Barack Obama was more eloquent than Mitt Romney?  Come on, man.  I'll bet if a 6'…
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  • Jeez, the polling must be bad for Romney that now they are playing the cultural stuff? This guy was going…
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  • On the other hand, aggregate national numbers for the economy as a whole provides an imperfect view, too.
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  • I agree. Let's not forget the slavering of southern Republican senators like Richard Shelby, who couldn't wait to do an…
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  • No, they don't. They base their understanding on the number of Help Wanted signs they see. They base their understanding…
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  • Wanna bet? Just watch. 1/2 of 1% of the public bases their understanding of the state of the economy on…
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  • "currency-debasing policies" You people have been crying wolf about imminent inflation for 3-1/2 half years, and what have we gotten?…
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