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    I feel like saying, "How about your taxes, asshole?" Rich, privileged, clueless, suburban rich kid piece of crap.
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  • When, exactly, did the millions Gadhaffi stole from the Libya people become "his?"  You have a bizarre sense of morality.…
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  • Can I remind everyone that Barack Obama, who apparently needs all of our advice about how to pass legislation, succeeding…
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  • It is unfortunate that President Obama has done nothing of substance to roll back the influence of the financial institutions…
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  • Yes, let's ask Arabs on the streets of Tripoli what they think about Obama: http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z472/silverspring230/libya5.png How about that Fantastic Four?…
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  • Keep in mind that a great deal of Obama's "reaching out" to Republicans was intended to reassure the right flank…
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  • So your theory is that John McCain's convention bounce - a term developed to conjure the image of something that…
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  • show me the right-wing equivalent of "Romney's either a liar or a felon" I am just so afraid that Barack…
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  • our message, which is based on an adult understanding of economic reality, as opposed to childish, emotional, Progressive arguments based…
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  • Barack Obama would take apart Paul Ryan in a debate. Just like he took apart the House Republicans when they…
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  • Remember 2008, when Sarah Palin was considered by many pundits to have "won" her debate with Biden? No.  I remember…
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  • Substance matters in debates, not because success is judged by who wins the debate on points, but because being strong…
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  • If I had to guess, I'd say that Obama's support has dropped significantly from 2008 among financial industry workers and…
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  • Bring. It. On. You thought you were going to win the Social Security privatization debate, too, didn't you?
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  • Biden went through that debate with one hand tied behind his back, in order to avoid the impression that he…
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  • Christopher effing Cox.  Sonuvabitch. Christopher Cox was the Commissioner of the Security and Exchange Commission for two years before the…
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  • Ultimately, annual appropriations bills have to pass. They can delay, but they can't block them the way they can with…
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  • Even if there aren't any more bit ticket items like the PPACA or DADT repeal, having a solid Democratic stamp…
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  • I love that you called it "the Frank Sinatra version." That performance was the very best thing he ever did…
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  • Rasmussen is an excellent pollster when he's trying to be accurate.  His final numbers are very reliable. But before the…
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