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    A "reputation?" A little grammar, please.  I believe you meant to say his selection would refudiate Republican fear-mongering in the…
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  • How about Brent Scowcroft, former admiral and longtime conservative/Republican foreign policy and security guru, most recently seen calling the Iraq…
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  • My good-faith advice to Mitt: he should pick someone with military and foreign-policy credibility. Foreign policy isn't registering in the…
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  • None of the people you cited denounced the commission "because they knew the GOP wouldn't play ball." Instead, they all…
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  • The stock market down 2000 points in a couple of days would have focused everyone's mind Perhaps it wasn't clear,…
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  • Wall Street doesn't agree with you that he has been placating them. Not getting what you want isn't the same…
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  • Right, and the science says that the coal-fired commercial power industry is the lowest-hanging fruit among major carbon emitters.  There…
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  • Gotcha. Here's hoping Harry Reid is able to bring the caucus along on the filibuster.
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  • I don't see how you could watch Mitt Romney and conclude that Jon Huntsman would be less credible or less…
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  • Obama--they can live with that. What have any of the prominent Republicans done over the past four years to make…
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  • I don't recall Jon Hunstman being called too crazy, or too old. Another explanation for the relative weakness of the…
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  • Why is it only plausible that a couple of them are offering sincere advice? Romney is getting killed over this.…
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  • What's particularly dramatic about those Wall Street fundraising numbers is the long history Wall Street has of hedging its bets,…
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  • The same MOTUs playing rigged roulette games with other people's money in 2005 are still doing so in 2012, unimpeded…
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  • Arthur's thought process: I know there are magnets under this floor. Throw a bucket of pennies in the air. Find…
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  • He makes a lot more sense on climate change if you realize that he is trying to cull the coal…
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  • You got me curious, so I googled Reid calling the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs incompetent. It was Peter Pace.…
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  • Not being worth my salt, I put it closer to 300 than to 330.  This country is still a great…
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  • None of the successful politicians do this.  The politicians who try to do this are not successful. I hope you're…
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  • Sarah Palin overdosed on cough syrup to the point of violent facial ticks would be a better candidate that Mitt…
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