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    Now, he has a supporter who changes positions as often as he does. There are so many different directions one…
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  • Me, too! But when I'm done, I will very solemnly shake my head and agree with the howling Republicans that…
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  • What about the running mate's taxes? Does he refuse to release them, too? Or does he release them, causing Romney…
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  • Well, OK, but these are not candidates who do well among the white working class in the South.
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  • And how many of them actually run on that?  None!  Find me one. You do realize that you are providing…
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  • Kiss my ass - this is a holy site!
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  • If yours was the correct answer, then we would expect Democrats in the South who run on strong pro-union platforms…
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  • Naw, upper Appalachia.  West Virginia doesn't have squat for a minority population (unlike the South), and the white working class…
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  • From the Politico article, which you have to look for until BooMan's phalanx of scantily-clad interns fix the link: So…
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  • Yes, but they are also investing very heavily in new coal plants. As opposed to the US, where we've stopped…
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  • A good way to water treed: pound a thick nail through the bottom of a five-gallon bucket, fill the bucket…
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  • The most-likely scenario is that the Republican Party itself adapts to make sure it can be a 50% party.  This…
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  • I've been hoping to see Democrats point out that Republicans want to raise taxes on working people ever since the…
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  • Eh? Whut's that you say? Maybe not Nancy Pelosi or the Clintons? Maybe not you? Maybe not any DemRats? Who,…
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  • I am extremely skeptical about any claim that a Democratic Rep. who won his or her 2010 race will lose…
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  • It's some sort of code that only the Initiated can decipher. Sibboleth!  Dammit, S-s-s-sibboleth! S-s-s-s-s-SIB-o-leth! Dammit!
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  • These charges are outrageous! As an honest liberal, I call on Mitt Romney to put these scurrilous accusations to bed…
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  • I agree that Obama spent way too much capital fanning his hopeless obsession with the "bipartisan" bullshit. It endeared him…
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  • All I know is that he's a big-city mayor. It's good to see the Democrats recognizing their urban* base. *Actually…
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  • The argument about the size of the stimulus is particularly risible.  Even if we are to assume that there was…
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