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    Why does a derivative of a derivative have value? Because it gives you a right to collect money from somebody.…
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  • When discussing money that is to be paid back, the verb "loan" is more commonly used than "give." When you…
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  • That's the mirror image of the Republicans' position that there should be no increase in revenues, whether it be through…
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  • Wonder how many of the 'hippies are always right' will admit they were wrong. Perhaps that one guy towards the…
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  • But if there is nothing to value but its social construction, then there is neither moral not economic content to…
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  • What happens, then, to all the portents of doom? For a comparison, think back to the liberals who spent 2010…
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  • He's bluffing.  The Republicans got killed "last time," and would take an even bigger hit if they tried it again.
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  • Well, Boo figured it would take a seven point swing for the Dems to take the House. That's really big.…
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  • We will see over the next 2-3 elections how out-of-reach the House really is.  Those demographic changes are ongoing, even…
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  • Bloody Archie Bunkers, all of them. Howard Zinn?  Kurt Vonnegut?  George McGovern? The oh-so-transgressive radicalism you imagine yourself to be…
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  • Actually, Philo, polling data shows that older people in the Vietnam Era were more likely to oppose the war than…
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  • And we have a large amount of public and private debt that needs to be paid off. And we have…
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  • I read this as DeMint not wanting to be around for the Republican Congress's big cave.
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  • A good look at who stayed home is informative.  The canard (or brag) that progressive purists flipped this election is…
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  • I can't explain exactly why the progressive base of the party doesn't nominate unelectable candidates on a routine basis Because…
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  • I'm tempted to ask what Chuck has been smoking. The Republicans took a pretty awful beating in the 2011 debt…
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  • All very true.  The point is, there are changes that could be made, such as lowering that cap, that would…
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  • OK, replace "CIA" with "intelligence agencies." What makes you think you know enough about the track record of the intelligence…
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  • where else but on working families? who else is there? Do you think wealthy people don't take deductions? Think about…
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  • Would it violate Godwin's Law to say that Rubin has Adolph Hitler's inability to understand that there are certain situations…
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