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    And if you really bluff with nothing more than a very few times ... you lose We're up to twice,…
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  • you can't bluff if you're not willing to go thru. Of course you can.  Haven't you ever played poker?  Bluffing…
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  • p.s.  we're laughing at your concern Six comments, all written during the fiscal cliff negotiations, all telling liberals they should…
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  • Explain why this White House has abandoned the campaign pledge of raising tax rates on income over $250K to a…
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  • I get it now.  She's trying to do outreach from the Republican leadership to the Tea Party. The first four…
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  • Her column is aspirational, which is another way of saying wishful thinking. She isn't even trying to describe reality accurately.…
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  • Most people would describe causing "the government to go bankrupt and crash the economy" as "unreasonable." While Obama's numbers dropped,…
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  • The difference between a defeat and a rout is whether the losing side's troops hold formation while they lose ground,…
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  • Or fiscal cliff, or whatever we're calling it now.
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  • Lol, good point. I was talking about good options in this debt ceiling standoff.
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  • Thank you.  Please help get it out there. Everyone on the left seems to take it on faith that Obama…
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  • You're wrong. Just this morning, Scarborough was giving props to Obama for being willing to piss off his own base,…
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  • Er, "not impressed," that is.
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  • I'm now impressed by Boehner's legislating skeelz, either, but it's not like the guy has a lot of good options…
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  • Link: http://www.politicususa.com/bernie-sanders-rips-john-boehner-calling-cuts-disabled-veterans-benefits .html "John Boehner's deficit reduction proposal includes cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid with new tax breaks…
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  • One quick correction, brendanx: Obama didn't offer up Social Security first.  It was in Boehner's opening bid.
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  • I don't think we can ever get "them" as a whole to regain their sanity. The goal of delivering the…
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  • He's already violated a campaign promise. Really?  So, that proposal has been adopted? Oh, wait, no it hasn't.  You're spiking…
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  • Since he hasn't given away a thing, your conclusion seems premature.
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  • Is "effectively permanent" another way to say "temporary?" If you'll recall, Gore and the Congressional Democrats also supported a tax…
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