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    The Republicans did put the Chained CPI on the table.  Not Obama, Boehner. This was widely reported back at the…
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  • Cutting entitlement spending is one thing; cutting  entitlement benefits in another. The $700 billion from the Medicare Advantage subsidies were…
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  • Am I the only one who noticed that Superpole has to include assumed entitlement cuts and an assumed elimination of…
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  • So why the bad taste in progressives' mouths? It has less to do with where Obama ended up than with…
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  • Krugman's occasional accolades for Obama are pretty naive, too.
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  • Ditto Robert Reich.  Great on economics, great on policy - just a guy on politics.
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  • That was one way.  Credits and deductions were another. We'll see if they get addressed in the March deal.
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  • 39.6%, which was the old Clinton tax rate.
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  • "and Obama will give them 98% of it." As always, the claim that "Obama caved" amounts to "He's going to…
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  • Meaning, it's the Senate aides and Senators that the writers at DKos and Huffington chose to quote.
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  • Yes.  Also, the tax on dividends and capital gains goes up from 15% to 20%.
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  • Oh, ferchrissakes. Why is it always the same people who condescendingly explain that Obama needs to make unrealistic opening offers…
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  • Now we have no leverage. The defense cuts that are still in the sequester aren't leverage? And as far as…
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  • Obama got the green energy tax credits extended as part of this deal.  You have utterly lost the thread if…
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  • You have to start with the assumption that Obama "caved" in order for the rest of the argument to be…
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  • Permanent isn't a big difference.  The negotiations were about setting a permanent rate either way, whether at $250k or whatever.…
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  • Another glass and a half of champaign, and I'll be be able to subtract $250,000 from $450,000 and get $8000.…
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  • The difference between $250k and $450k is one target of the freakout.  Frankly, that's small potatoes in terms of revenue.…
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  • Guess Obama lied when he said he'd veto an extension of Bush tax cuts for the rich. Because of the…
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  • Barack Obama must be the worse negotiator in history. He's been trying to get the Republicans to accept chained CPI…
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