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    Alternately, everyone else could just start drinking more, like in the old days. Some of the offices in historic Lowell…
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  • Will you give it a rest with the platinum coin?  That is dumbest thing I've ever heard not uttered by…
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  • Appalachia, the Interior South, and the Coastal South are three different regions.  Hillary would probably do better in the first…
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  • I think we're the Democrats, and who knows what we're going to do? By any reasonable measure, Hillary Clinton was…
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  • Absolutely.  They're both well to the left of the median voter, probably too far to win if they ran on…
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  • Well, I see Sanders is a fraud. Or you're nuts. I know where I'm putting my money, and it's not…
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  • Seems like a tough job, especially for this moderate 1980s Republican, as he so described himself recently. How do you…
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  • All of that is true, BooMan. Now, think about how the Democrats agreeing to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits…
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  • Resurrection? The woman came with a hair's breath of winning the Presidential nomination four years ago, and then served the…
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  • It's contractionary and it reduced "potential" revenues. The food is terrible, and the portions are too small. God bless John…
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  • They will get it too. In March, Reid, Durbin, and Obama will explain that their hands were tied and they…
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  • Charles Krauthammer isn't stupid; he's dishonest. When he writes a column describing, for instance, Mitt Romney's campaign trip to Europe…
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  • I favor "democratic republic" over "representative democracy" to describe our system, because there are so many other strictures and forces…
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  • I've seen people who are generally pro-administration make this mistake, too.  If it's someone's narrative, it's managed to take over.
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  • Did you see this? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/01/03/1175908/-Unanimous-Senate-Confirmations-Part-of-Deal
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  • The proposals look pretty good, but I wonder how much teeth and staying power they will have.  What's the difference…
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  • Holy bleep. "There's only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims," said the Republican governor,…
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  • What we're witnessing is The Shock Doctrine" in slow motion Right, very, very, very slow motion.  Why, the implementation of…
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  • People say that with the tax issue gone there is no leverage. Really? Didn't they just delay the sequester? So…
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  • Because, while he man "negotiate" in public about them, he never actually agrees to them. See Chained CPI.
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