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    This is an important dynamic to highlight. The Republicans' habit of alienating minorities who might agree with them on certain…
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  • Well, it would help if he stopped accusing his opponents of bad will and of trying to get us to…
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  • Gerson is right, that speech was chock full of insults wrapped in velvet, designed to make the right-wingers look bad.…
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  • I love the way things (Iraq withdrawal, end of the Bush tax cuts for the rich) go from impossible to…
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  • We have an actual record we can look at to understand what he means. Obama's tax-code changes have been to…
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  • There's a big difference between profile and utilization.  Look at Hillary at State. She kept a much lower profile than…
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  • See the dancing goalposts, BooMan? From "the Algerians had a pretty good read on the situation" to "It was a…
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  • Did you post the wrong link, dearie? Because HIllary Clinton saying this was terrorist attack has nothing whatsoever to do…
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  • More like, starting with his conclusion and working backwards.
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  • 2011 isn't 2013. It is only possible for Obama to do this now, and be confident that the Republicans will…
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  • Right, I'm full of it, because the Algerians really proved to the world how on top of the situation they…
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  • The last time someone downgraded our credit, government borrowing only got cheaper.
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  • I don't know. The Republicans are faced with having to choose defense cuts, tax increases, or increasing the deficit. I…
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  • Why wouldn't Obama take this deal? Let the GOP punch themselves in the face every three months.  He keeps winning…
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  • Exactly right. Remember, oh two weeks ago, when Obama was an idiot who negotiated away all his leverage, and allowed…
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  • There's a chance that the House would agree to eliminate, delay, or reduce, the domestic-side cuts in exchange for eliminating,…
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  • Nobody could have predicted that the debt ceiling would be raised without the White House agreeing to cuts in Social…
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  • Having finally found an excuse to blame the United States, the internet leftists are now willing to admit that al…
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  • You have to have your head pretty far up your posterior to read this news and write that Algeria had…
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  • I'm going to enjoy throwing this in the face of the next conservative I catch using the phrase "Democratic plantation."
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