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    Winning the legislative fight over gun control requires more than making liberal bloggers who are already on board feel awesome.
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  • This is the same political insight that led him to think that anti-immigration politics were going to be a big…
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  • I think the more important question is whether that effect is greater than the wage-raising effect of not having an…
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  • And finally, speaking about bubbles, the guy who pipes up during a conversation about Republican opposition to immigration reform to…
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  • We will then have a huge labor glut "Then?"  You just acknowledged that those workers are here. BTW, the number…
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  • Many progressives live in this white-collar ghetto. Were you and the other software designers just talking about this over lunch…
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  • That's non-responsive to Joe's point. And even worse, it's poorly done. I need a high-tech worker to tell me I…
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  • You mean, of course, that I should have a discussion with some white, English-speaking person who does tile and drywall.…
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  • How's this for a theory: focusing on amnesty is a consequence of internal Republican politics.  There is a list of…
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  • I want to draw everyone's attention to something: And, no, regularizing status will not fix this. We have created a…
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  • There are also economic  reasons to oppose illegal immigration But this isn't about opposing illegal immigration - it's about opposing…
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  • It looks like an obvious pretext to me.  They poll-tested the various anti-immigration reform talking points, and "amnesty" got the…
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  • I would have trouble accepting "I changed my mind.  Sorry 'bout that," on most issues, but who hasn't seen people…
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  • You're quite right. This makes me wonder how much of the outrage itself is fake. There are some DKos front-pagers,…
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  • Maybe I'm hopelessly naive, but I think he feels respect and gratitude towards her, and wants to help her out…
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  • I really can't be too hard on these people, because Obama is deliberately pursuing a head-fake strategy, and he's very…
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  • He crossed Wall Street first. They went for Obama big time in 2008, and he came into office and pushed…
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  • If we could pass a bill without people like Malkin and Tancredo and a bunch of other xenophobes making stupid…
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  • his persistent interest in a "grand bargain" that includes real cuts to entitlements as opposed to alternate paths to fiscal…
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  • What was the post-Enron Sarbanes-Oxley bill other than re-regulation. It was re-regulation, but not particularly of Wall Street.  Dodd-Frank was…
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