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    It is an attempt to dodge the law. Congress's passage of a war powers resolution is "the law" every bit…
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  • Sen. Ron Wyden seems to be concerned about something. I think a generalized belief in the importance of oversight, especially…
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  • First of all, it is a white paper to Congress and not an instruction to the relevant agencies, which is…
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  • I don't get this.  Why? Do you not think the justification in this memo is the same one as in…
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  • Whatever your individualq opinion, the notion that anything in this memo is going to cause even the slightest political problem…
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  • Nobody 'needs' to walk the 'dark side'. They choose to because it is easier than doing the hard work of…
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  • The POTUS cannot, on his own, choose who lives and dies because of a future threat. Of course he can't.…
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  • It is the declaration of who is an enemy of the state outside a state of war that has been…
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  • The US meanwhile has an explicit law prohibiting assassination. A law that specifically excludes operational commanders of enemy forces during…
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  • No, it does not elide that.  It explicitly address that matter in black and white: "It concludes that where certain…
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  • What is different is that it is an extra-judicial action. All force carried out in accordance with a Congressional war…
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  • Well, I'm not Booman, but I certainly believe that we are not at war. That's not your call.  The Constitution…
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  • The use of "imminent" in the WPA applies to situations in which Congress has not, at that time, invoked its…
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  • This is essentially the claim of power by the executive branch under a Democratic President that was made by the…
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  • by executive fiat, if you will. I won't. As the title of the memo makes clear, these are strikes against…
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  • Apparently not.  It's rock-em-sock-em robots after every other whistle.
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  • Not "stop the nonsense."  "Exploit the nonsense." Every time the White House can point to their opposition making fools of…
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  • I'm sorry, did you just say "at the time the new legislation was put in place?" Screw popularity ratings.  I…
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  • That was my reaction, too.  He looks awkward. Not as bad as the bowling, but that is not a comfortable…
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  • There are plenty of ordinary Americans who shoot skeet and support the President's proposals. This. The whining about "pandering to…
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