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    Gadhaffi crushing the rebellion would have had collateral effects we wouldn't like, too. Weapons from Libya have been killing people…
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  • That story fills me with despair.  There is no way a ban on semi-automatic weapons to be implemented in the…
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  • I loved Rachel's bit last night.  I've been making the argument that the gun lobby is trolling for a while:…
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  • The same polarization of the electorate that has made the last few presidential elections so close has changed the meaning…
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  • Anything with a cat, and the rec numbers go through the roof! Of course I gave him the Feast.  What…
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  • That reads like the Onion meets Mad Libs. "But I was like, "Hell, yeah, let's go for it.' " I'm…
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  •  "forced by the momentum of their ideology" I once had a cat, a big male tiger cat, who bolted out…
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  • Let me count the ways: Less money from the Congressional campaign committees. Less money from  the national committees for presidential…
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  • I disagree.  I think they take into account the number of electoral votes the Democrats lose, too. Screwing Democrats is…
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  • I'll tell you why the Republicans might restrain themselves. If a state goes from being a major plum, with a…
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  • Also, in 2011, they hadn't suffered two massive political/public opinion thrashings at the hands of "the only adult in the…
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  • is this the best that progressives can say about him No, it's not.  This is called "pushback."  There have been…
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  • Jack Lew is "more of the same," as long as you are sufficiently vague in your language. He's, like, one…
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  • If Obama, and by extension, the Democrats were cool with sequestration, they would have just gone over the fiscal cliff.…
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  • Mossedegh wasn't much of a democrat, either.  Just because the Cold War-era US didn't like somebody doesn't make him an…
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  • I really liked "A Perfect Spy."  That was probably the best character development of LaCarre's books. I loved the way…
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  • Sounds like Geov is a real spy movie fan. What are your favorites? I love Day of the Jackal.
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  • Yes, I am complaining about that appointment. Silly me for thinking that Obama's cabinet should have a woman in one…
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  • You just lost the argument. 8 of 20?  Meaning, 12 of 20 were not white men. Your complaint is bullshit.…
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  • I don't think we should be hoping for Congress to debase and discredit itself further.
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