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    The issue of Ann Romney's horse is yet more ideological nonsense from the left, intended to portray Republicans generally and…
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  • Oh, honey, don't take it out on the skirt.
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  • You Lose! Except we don't lose.  We win, by great big gigantic landslides like 75-25 or 80-20..
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  • A lie put forth by desperate Progressives whose only defense of their failed ideology is using ad homenien attacks against…
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  • "Obama had huge majorities..."  Isn't that true? No, it's not true.  There was never anything like a huge majority in…
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  • But that's not what Christie means, obviously. You mean throwing money down the Atlantic City casino rathole? I don't even…
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  • You frequently see Republicans making the argument that certain minority groups that are strongly Democratic could be winnable for the…
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  • I think the American people will react is similar fashion to how they reacted to McGovern, Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis.…
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  • "He says he's for the revitalization of the Jersey Shore," The Jersey Shore developed a thriving economy as a vacation…
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  • Indeed, this is exactly what happened after every health care near-miss since Truman.  I see no reason why the pattern…
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  • I don't know why you're still talking. Are you going to look back at your last three comments tomorrow and…
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  • It's all going to come down to turnout, dataguy. (Nods sagely, strokes chin).
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  • Then it's a good thing we don't let farmland vote.
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  • A good, solid understanding of history would be particularly helpful in this case, by demonstrating exactly how much of a…
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  • You are truly an impressive intellect and political observer the likes of which are far beyond my feeble understanding. I…
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  • Your commitment to democracy in Egypt sure is coming through loud and clear.
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  • There's a great deal to be learned from history. It can be a very useful accompaniment to a solid understanding…
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  • "Re: Egypt: Let's Support Democracy." Sorry, FAIL.
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  • OK: talking about Vietnam is completely irrelevant to the question of Obama's actions during the Egyptian uprising. Feel better?
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  • I wouldn't know: I didn't read it. The topic line of your comment reads "Re: Egypt: Let's Support Democracy." I…
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