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    Only the nomination of a True Progressive Hero in a district that elected Alan West would demonstrate a savvy understanding…
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  • In 2008, Obama's interaction with the nation of Germany was a speech in front of hundreds of thousands of people.…
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  • Why won't you answer the question? Yes, Arthur, we got your dime-store cliched argument the first time.  And the second…
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  • People shouldn't try to use big words they don't understand. There is nothing remotely related to American exceptionalism in BooMan's…
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  • So, in every likely tipping point state, Obama is doing better than he did nationally (52.9%) four years ago. I…
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  • Stored value gives producers the capital to produce goods and services to the market...there cannot be demand before supply. Nonsense.…
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  • Only Progressive Keynesians imagine somehow that "circulating in the economy" creates wealth When money circulates through the economy - that…
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  • So you're saying it's a bad thing that the administration used its influence to protect the protesters from being shot…
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  • Look, Arthur, I know you're one of those people who feels compelled to draw a little mustache on every picture…
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  • If I had a quarter of a billion dollars... The United Mine Workers would be a political powerhouse. There would…
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  • Or then there's the training and civil-society seminars that the International Republican Institute provided, on the American taxpayer's dime through…
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  • Your job is not to "help" Egyptians establish anything. Your job is to stay the hell out of Egypt's business...Your…
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  • I'm pretty sure your answer to this question is the same one you give to every question. Lemme guess: because…
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  • How we react to the recent elections in Egypt will have a lot to do with how the Brothers there…
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  • When tasers were first introduced, their manufacturers and their law enforcement customers swore that they were to be used as…
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  • What bills are you talking about?  The House budget resolutions?  House appropriations bills?  Something from the Senate?
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  • What does that have to do with what Obama did with the plan? Yeah, Obama ignored a plan from his…
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  • The strangest part of the whole Bowles-Simpson saga, to me anyway, is the persistent belief among internet progressives that Obama…
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  • Taking the pilots out of ground-strike aircraft results in neither the legal nor the operational capacity changes you assume.  Comparing…
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  • So let me get this straight: you don't object to trutherism, but you do object to people noticing trutherism, and…
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