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    Three episodes that had absolutely nothing to do with any American efforts, which advanced American interests not a whit, but…
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  • Piss off, troll.
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  • Yes, I'm an idiot for basing my opinions on facts instead of story lines. Oh, and I spent the 80s…
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  • Rainbow Puppy Land. You know, like it was under Nasser, when Egypt was an anti-American Soviet client state.
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  • If Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are our puppets, why is gas so damn expensive? But Israel is there to keep…
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  • I judge the actions of the American Empire by its criminal and bloody history. The best prediction of future actions…
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  • Wow.  That is so far removed from reality. Israel has absolutely no ability to keep Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, or…
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  • You should do a little more research on the subject of what the U.S. government did during the Egyptian uprising.…
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  • If fact, I wrote a rather lengthy comment on this very thread making the national-interest case for supporting democratic change…
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  • Apples and oranges. That was my point.
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  • No, Egypt would be rainbow puppy land.
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  • "The old rap sheet since 1945" does absolutely nothing to answer the question of what Obama should have done in…
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  • Access to oil, support for Israel, and regional security are, in fact, three very distinct interests, ones that quite frequently…
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  • The "substance" in question was Obama's conduct of foreign policy towards Merkel.  This was being contrasted with the "big speech,"…
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  • Yes, Arthur, you meant to do that.  We know. If you wanted to make an argument about regional security interests,…
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  • In your last comment, you insisted that the United States involving itself in events in Egypt was inevitably a bad…
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  • You're only talking about the optics of a campaign, while I'm discussing substantive actions, and I'm the hack? Whatever, man.…
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  • I understood how tipping point states work fine the first time, when BooMan explained it. My comment was about treating…
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  • there a trend here with Obama having short coattails Huh? When Obama was on the ticket, the Democrats picked up…
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  • Egypt produces very, very little oil. Swing and a miss.
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