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    In less than three years Obama has managed to do more to undermine civil rights than Bush did in eight…
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  • Does it ever make a dent in your certainty that nothing you've predicted has ever actually come to pass?
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  • Funny. Santorum's actual brilliant plan was to run an Iowa-focused, retail-politics campaign instead of a national, media-centric campaign
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  • "Betray by both parties, which one has hurt us the least gets the vote." Remind me which party is using…
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  • "That fact can't be changed." Repeating how unhappy you are with this fact over and over again doesn't make it…
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  • What makes you think getting to 52 didn't involve arm-twisting? Do you have even the slightest evidence that he "did…
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  • So are you now walking back from "the only immigration reform Obama gave was..." to "Obama has done some things…
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  • That was a rather shameless example of the "Nuh-uh, now I'm going to change the subject" school of argumentation. The…
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  • Yeah, remind me when Obama promised to make the Senate pass everything he wants them to. Barack Obama never actually…
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  • If I were a MEAN person it could be said that Obama has already vetoed the DREAM ACT, when he…
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  • Well, no. http://www.globalvisas.com/blog/obamas-new-us-immigration-policy-a-victory-for-common-sense.html
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  • He's a white conservative; he plans on saying to every Hispanic he meets, "I didn't mean you.  You're one of…
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  • And you heard something else from someone else. And that seems to be the limit of your ability to think…
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  • How does anybody impose sanctions on Iranian oil short of actually blocking the Strait of Hormuz in the first place?…
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  • I didn't even skim your dreck.  I never do anymore.  Not worth it. But was one thing right at the…
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  • Hold on, this all began with Iran issuing a statement that IF the world imposed a blockade on Iranian oil,…
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  • You are simply wrong in your statement "the same people as in 2005." No, I am absolutely right.  Precisely the…
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  • The provision, formerly section 1032, required the use of military detention for people affiliated with al Qaeda.  He threatened to…
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  • The National Defense Authorization Act is a must-pass bill.  Without it, it is illegal to pay soldiers their salaries.  It…
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  • So, you're quoting the IAEA when it says what you want to hear, and denouncing its credibility when it doesn't.…
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