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    Because it would completely undermine the point he's trying to make. That's a shitty reason to be dishonest, but I…
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  • Greenwald wants to have it both ways. He wants to be able to argue in an extremely biased, selective manner,…
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  • You very much missed the point, brendan. The point is not to cast Greenwald as "a winger like Sullivan." The…
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  • This is just poop-stirring by a Villager.  I would read absolutely nothing about Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, the…
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  • Except that Romney's goal isn't just to win the Republican nomination.  He wants to win the general election, too. He's…
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  • Wow, $350 million in over twenty years. Whoa, easy big spender. We're talking about Tunisia, a country of 10.5 million…
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  • I guess I mistook your use of the word "narrative" to mean a larger narrative in the meta sense, as…
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  • Every ideological adherent can generate some patter about why it's impossible for someone of their ideology to be racist. Liberals…
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  • Just to be clear, I don't think racism as such is a dealbreaker for your typical GOP voter--especially not in…
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  • Man, the word "group" sure is doing a lot of work in that sentence. Clerics.  Black people. You know: groups.
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  • Wow, thanks for the assist. Yeah, because supporting uprisings within the confines of a country to get rid of the…
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  • See above.  You are like a parody of a sophomore who read Howard Zinn for the first time. Did you…
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  • OK. "I have black friends!"  Whoo-de-doo. It's very nice of Dr. Paul to be decent to the individual black people…
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  • They got a lot of play in the MSM, but what about his opponents?  What were they saying?  How about…
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  • I've got nothing against keeping America's imperial history in mind when analyzing this administration's actions.  I'd go so far as…
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  • I don't like theocrats here at home or anywhere abroad.  I don't see Iran's government as better than Syria's in…
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  • If you were attempting to convey any sort of meaning, you might want to try again. I can't even say…
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  • The strategy here is to economically attack Iran until it responds militarily, giving the U.S. a fake moral high ground…
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  • It's an extension of decades long policy... Of course it is, because it's just gotta be. This can't really be…
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  • Strange thing to say. The reality is that the defense budget has substantially increased under Obama Only because Obama is…
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