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    And yet, even given all of that, if forced to choose between Turkey and Israel, the American right wouldn't hesitate…
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  • As background, remember that this Turkish government refused to allow us to use their territory to launch a ground invasion…
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  • Right. Rick Perry clearly knows nothing about Turkey, and was just taking the questioner's assertions at face value.
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  • Traffic jams are a big story in the news, but they're hardly surprising.  Hell, Brady beating the Broncos was a…
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  • Or even if it wasn't, it could be as small as being hassled by a cop.  Even something as little…
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  • Racist jokes, after all, are loyalty tests That's not just in the South, at that time. I think every white…
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  • I was watching them interact with their white counterparts, Rich Eisen and Steve Mariucci. And there wasn't any hint that…
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  • The word "terror" gets thrown around too much these days, mainly by people who think it provides some nice rhetorical…
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  • Jason Pierre-Paul is a beast.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much the Giants' D can slow down Rogers.
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  • Who's acting shocked? Names?  Quotes?  Links? You seem to think that your observation that troops act badly in every war…
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  • Actually, Obama announced a schedule for getting out of Afghanistan more than two years ago. That getting foreign troops out…
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  • You can keep acting shocked all you want, but it isn't an argument. I'll say it again, in case you'd…
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  • You throw little tantrums whenever you read something that isn't exactly what you think, and you've yet to express an…
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  • And you're writing this to the commenter who has repeatedly, on several different threads, attributed this to the Israelis, why,…
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  • Great comment, as usual. Any military training is inherent dehumanizing; killing is not a routine matter for human beings despite…
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  • That said, I have less confidence it will work in Afghanistan than in Iraq, simply because of the difference between…
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  • Were you looking at it in 2006 or 2007? That's a nice single story you have there, but it really…
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  • I just have to highlight this, because it demonstrates the non-reality-based nature of how the fist-in-the-air-sophomore crowd thinks, or fails…
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  • Er, "including on this site," that is.
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  • And I know that assassinations by a foreign country not at war with Iran (either Israel or the US) of…
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