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    And increasingly, under Clinton, Bush, and now Obama, the US has been engaging in the same sort of terrorism. You're…
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  • If you don't adhere to an absolutist pacifist philosophy, then you have a responsibility to think about how the military…
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  • We are getting out of Afghanistan (just as, in 2010, we were getting out of Iraq, despite all of the…
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  • Netanyahu could very well be going solo knowing that he is pissing off Obama with the guilt through a pandering…
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  • "This tactic is not a new one for the Mossad, and worked very effectively against Egypt's rocket program in the…
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  • That's a nice side benefit, but that's not the point. You have absolutely no idea what the assassin's 'point' is.…
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  • And increasingly, under Clinton, Bush, and now Obama, the US has been engaging in the same sort of terrorism. If…
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  • I don't think the post-Porter Goss CIA is capable of pulling this off.  But damn, do they have some bitchin'…
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  • As with the 9/11 attacks, the hard part isn't the physical process of carrying out the attack, but everything leading…
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  • My thoughts exactly. Israel has a history of targeting scientists and technicians who are helping a hostile Middle Eastern power…
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  • There are plenty of state-level laws that can serve as a vehicle.
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  • And that is how I evaluate foreign policy and so I want the ordinary people of America to be forced…
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  • Are you trying to impersonate my cat when he realizes someone saw him fall off a window sill? Because you've…
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  • I think there is always a range of opinion in a major party in a two-party system.  There are Republicans…
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  • Deval Patrick. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (You asked about Democrats, not Glenn Greenwald fanbois). Kristen Gillibrand. Sherrod Brown. Sheldon Whitehouse (although he…
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  • When enough defeats pile up, the Republicans will change to become more in tune with mainstream opinion.  It's the nature…
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  • Also: they reflexively side with anyone accused of racism. Their most fervent belief, after low taxes, is that it is…
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  • Your lack of concern really comes through in your profanity, and in your decision to respond to my comments. You're…
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  • You have an amazing habit of leaping to completely unfounded conclusions, Joe. Ahem: Paul is speaking to a large segment…
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  • I have always seen Sully as a winger. I believe you! Nevermind the gay marriage, or the support for drug…
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