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    There are strategies that provide nuclear deterrence without having a nuclear weapon in hand. There are 25 European nations and…
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  • You need to put "You are all sacrilege to your own supposed cause of the enlightenment." on the masthead. That…
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  • Isn't this argument a tad outdated? We don't control Iraqi airspace anymore.
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  • Indeed, brendan.  History has proven the fundamental premise of the original Zionist project - the notion that only a Jewish…
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  • But that logic does not dictate immediate development of a nuclear weapon because most countries are smart enough to know…
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  • Why does it make strategic sense for Iran to pursue the immediate development of a weapon now? Because by the…
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  • Israel would be willing to accept a significant counterstrike - it's right there in the article that they expect they'd…
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  • I think we've finally found some common ground, brendan. Ain't nothing wrong with the big beautiful girls. Nothing at all.
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  • "I support an international effort to deny Iran nuclear weapons. But that is based on the principles of nuclear nonproliferation."…
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  • My proof that the collapse of the banking system causes depressions?  Um, how about, every single depressions in American history,…
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  • Right, I'm remembering wrong.   George Ryan was the Governor of Illinois. Obama ran against Jack Ryan, the guy from…
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  • You're absolutely right. In point of fact, there was no bill authorizing indefinite military detention when (under Bush) people were…
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  • On the other hand, he endorsed fracking. And I can't behind that. Fracking is what will get us off coal.…
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  • because the rest of us aren't bailing you out ever again. Priority number one was standing the financial sector back…
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  • Obama's luck goes deeper than that. He got to the State Senate because the incumbent he challenged screwed up her…
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  • For real. I scroll back to it, and find myself reflexively looking away with a wince.
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  • It's like the Hyman Rothstein character from Boardwalk Empire met the Joker.
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  • I think we understood that when they hit with the Tiffany's bill story, and then put "right-wing social engineering" behind…
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  • Troop levels in Afghanistan have been falling since July, too. Putting the word "media" into a truthful statement of fact…
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  • There's such a thing as negative turnout.  More people would show up to vote against Newt Gingrich than against Mitt…
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