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    Stop.  You look silly. You look silly describing the guy who ended the Iraq War as "pushing perpetual war." And…
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  • Romney impotently bleats that this is an attack on "free enterprise" and "capitalism." Most people either don't give a damn…
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  • The one when "elite" quarterback Eli Manning, who was in the grasp of a defensive end who was himself being…
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  • Props for this comment.  Excellent political memory. I wonder, have any of the internet-politics pioneers, especially the internet-fundraising pioneers, cited…
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  • Without the internet, there would still be a whole lot of black people, and they would still be easy to…
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  • Without SuperPACs, Romney would have wiped out Gingrich in Iowa with his campaign's money. SuperPACs allow Romney to put some…
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  • Florida cops are the worst.  I'd rather get pulled over in Texas. Remember the story about the cop using a…
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  • Actual churches are already exempt. This decision is about entities like church-affiliated hospitals or other operations that offer health insurance…
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  • Aw, who am I kidding?  I love me some salty wingnut tears.
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  • Equity in coverage for contraception is a BFD.  It's been a major goal of women's rights and heath care reform…
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  • I remember the Whitey Tape episode, but I'd forgotten you were in on that. I remember thinking that it was…
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  • Republicans are such such suckers. If a candidate was caught mutilating grandmothers, all he'd have to do is look angry…
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  • Were you saying the same thing when the Clinton campaign was "anticipating" the sort of attacks (Reverend Wright, drug use,…
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  • Keep it up, funny man. When the EPA releases its upcoming sarcasm regulations, Obama will have you in a FEMA…
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  • In 2010, Scott Walker received 1.21 million votes.  The activist just handed in 1.04 million signatures to recall him.  That's…
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  • Until the WI electorate actually demonstrates the ability to behave responsibly, it's nothing but pre-game hoopla. They did pretty darn…
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  • Your acknowledgment that it would take "creative legal thinking" in order to prosecute these people is an acknowledgment that what…
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  • The mortgage crash would have happened, but it needn't have infected the entire financial industry the way it did.
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  • LBJ brought more more quickly, and a lot that doesn't get talked about much any more. LBJ was able to…
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  • Oh ferchrissakes, "bomb the White House?"  "Endanger a family with small children?" You sound like Fox News describing protesters at…
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