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    There were no wiretaps on the media. These were phone records, not recordings or listening in on phone calls. What…
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  • And as 1998 taught us, the best chance for the incumbent party to pick up seats in the year six…
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  • I don't think it's that he's made of Teflon, but that these are just more Incredibly Shrinking Scandals. There is…
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  • Sports is an avenue out, for a lot of people. No, it is an avenue out for a vanishingly tiny…
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  • Have you forgotten the Project for a New American Century?  Isn't Syria the next in line before getting to Iran?…
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  • Actually, I don't think I mentioned the Arab Spring at all No, you didn't.  That's exactly the problem. You're discussing…
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  • We're talking about probably 2-4 senators out of the entire caucus, a single digit %. There are a lot of…
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  • I think these comments blaming Reid for the problem are misguided. If there aren't 51 Democrats willing to change the…
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  • The Project for a New American Century wanted to go after Syria, so therefore the Syrian government didn't alienate its…
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  • If I were to see it, it would take a few days before I believed it. I mean, I'm certainly…
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  • Preventing al Quaeda attacks is not bullcrap.  But much of what the bloated national security-homeland security state does is. This…
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  • that it didn't detonate and he somehow didn't arouse suspicion Which would explain the testing to see if it would…
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  • This is a good justification for skepticism, not knee-jerk denialism.
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  • The problems were mainly political. No. The leak caused the operation to be rolled up. The leak ended the asset's…
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  • You only need to look back at the Lewinsky scandal to see how good this advice is. The Republicans had…
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  • Right. Just as there were plenty of Republicans arguing the old school right-wing isolationist line on Libya once an intervention…
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  • ...and as we know, there have been no changes whatsoever in American foreign policy between 2001 and 2011. Certainly not…
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  • Calling Libya a failed state is an exercise in a sick variety of wishful thinking, on behalf of a repugnant,…
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  • This thinking reminds me of the libertarian response to massive private-sector failures: they cast around for any government involvement at…
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  • False. The CIA has been working to try to steer weapons away from the Nusra Front. The assumption that the…
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