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    LIbya really was a one-off situation, a perfect storm of factors that came together in a very unlikely manner. Arab…
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  • There just wasn't the same sort of security inside the compound at the SMC as there was at the Cairo…
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  • I don't see why this would be a problem since, as we all know, it's a targeted killing program. The…
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  • When you've lost Mark Fiore and Bill Moyers...you've pretty much lost the political argument. This is quite possibly the worst…
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  • ...because preventing al Qaeda attacks is, of course, "bullcrap." Once you've internalized that piece of nonsense, it becomes very easy…
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  • I find it amazing that so few people seem to care that a useful and productive asset for keeping the…
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  • Tarheel, do you recognize the hypocrisy in simultaneously complaining about a "legal end run" and then proclaiming, "Once again, the…
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  • The problem is that people like Marcy Wheeler think that going after al Qaeda is inherently inappropriate, and that nobody…
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  • But they did feel the need to police themselves, and did what they consider a good job doing so. Look…
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  • "To be honest, I haven't followed this scandal." But he checked his gut, and it felt right to say that…
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  • That's not how I remember it. I remember the progressives slamming her as a stooge of big oil.
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  • Oh no he didn't. Did he? Arthur, did you just confuse Susan Rice and Condoleeza Rice? Frankly, I think Rice…
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  • Missing from this comment is any argument at all that BooMan is wrong about anything.
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  • It seem silly to expect federal law enforcement to voluntarily throw up barriers in front of its ability to do…
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  • Bingo. The Republicans are taking advantage of the cleanliness of this administration, the very lack of scandal stories, to exploit…
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  • It's the era of the Incredible Shrinking Scandal. Has anyone heard anything about Solyndra lately? How about the use of…
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  • Why all the concern for the covert operations of the KSA? Did you not notice that this was an American…
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  • Terrorist plots and their disruption by intelligence operatives are inherently interesting. Why do we need to cast about for a…
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  • Some people look at al Qaeda operatives and see terrorists. Some look at those same people as just see Muslims.…
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  • The Right: Attorney Generaling while black. And Democratic. Pseudo-left: property still isn't theft, while emulating Philip Agree is treated like…
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