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    Nate Silver has demonstrated that there hasn't actually been any alteration in the public opinion trend from the President's answer…
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  • Bring to heel, like a dog. Not heal, like a doctor. It's tough out there for a blogger. You've got…
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  • In this case, I think the states that haven't had big changes when they "should" have are interesting, too. The…
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  • Truly sophisticated political observers know that the best way to evaluate a professional politician is to take his public pronouncements…
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  • "Your argument must be wrong because it is favorable to the administration" is considered a logical, respectable line of thought…
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  • Not knowing Obama's position makes activism all but ineffective. No, it doesn't.  What it does is underline the importance of…
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  • What is this "parent's right to know"? I am unaware of any such right. Sounds totally patriarchal to me. So,…
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  • I kind of suspect that the Obama administration wants to lose the fight over Plan B contraception, but they don't…
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  • South Carolina has maintained a R+8 PVI in every cycle since 1994. But the country as a whole is voting…
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  • What's the alternative to magnetic strip cards?
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  • Texas Latinos have always voted much more Republican than Latinos nationwide, much as Florida Latinos did because of the influence…
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  • So if I'm reading this right, Oui and one of her buddies are now troll-rating comments that provide links she'd…
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  • But this is largely aspirational It sure is. We don't run things along the Turkish/Syrian border, and oil-rich Middle Eastern…
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  • I see a starting point and an end point, but nothing in the middle, just a straight line drawn between…
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  • Here are some examples of Oui's source material: "The Army Continues Crackdown on Terrorist Groups" http://sana.sy/eng/337/2013/05/02/480277.htm "Terrorists Suffer Heavy Losses…
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  • Right, I'm sure that your opinion of my credibility is the final word on the matter - especially after this…
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  • U.S. Designates Syrian Al Nusra Front as Terrorist Group http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/11/world/middleeast/us-designates-syrian-al-nusra-front-as-terrorist- group.html It is now a federal felony - due to…
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  • OK, once again, I will point out a fact that you have never, ever been able to refute, despite your…
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  • Remember when the Republicans were going to turn Michelle Obama into a millstone around her President's neck during the 2008…
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  • Er, BooMan has opposed every military intervention to come down the pike.  Iraq, Iran bombing, Afghanistan, Libya, military strikes against…
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