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    The unrecognized "government" - that is, the Taliban militia that were fighting a civil war, and were recognized as a…
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  • I wish I had your optimism, but I don't think Obama is deliberately trying to get the Republicans to speak…
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  • We're not in a recognized conflict, to which the laws of war apply, with the Tsarnaev brothers.  We're in a…
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  • Democrat-supported 60-vote rule in the Senate Except that's not true.  Something like 90-95% of the Democrats in the Senate oppose…
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  • But BooMan, Broderism is only done by Washington insiders. Saying exactly the same things while wearing a Rage Against the…
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  • What I don't understand is why the government is allowing any of it to be published. What kind of government…
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  • Jesus, you are still pissy about the fact that craft beer is not as popular as shlock beer, and trying…
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  • For you, nothing. Clearly. You're never right, and yet you never learn anything. I'll be damned if I can figure…
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  • Characterizing a situation in which someone meets with psychiatrists, lawyers, and, oh yeah, visitors several times a week as "nearly…
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  • I loom way too large in your consciousness, brendan. You've dedicated your sig line to me, and now you're doing…
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  • Your characterization of Manning's treatment in detention is so cherry-picked in terms of detail and duration as to suggest that…
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  • What does pretending not to know something you know on a blog comment thread have to do with the civil…
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  • Markey was the guy who nailed BP during the Gulf spill.
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  • I get it now. We lost something when we started torturing, and we need to get it back.
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  • No, there are numerous people with muddled moral reasoning. Fortunately, we have the Geneva Conventions and an extensive body of…
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  • I'm filled with joy the Obama administration does not uphold the US Constitution and succumbs to the likes of Graham…
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  • We have much more solid evidence that they were on their way to NYC to plant more bombs than we…
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  • Under intensive police questioning, during a custodial interrogation, they confessed. Not quite the same thing as saying it to someone…
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  • Anything he said prior to getting his Miranda rights read to him wasn't going to be admissible anyway. That's not…
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  • "the war crime criminals are still in office" Notice how this clears any and all Bush administration officials of any…
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