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    I'm sorry that all of the evidence I provided rebutting your beloved narrative had put you in an cranky mood,…
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  • The part that boggles my mind, looking at that well-known 2006 map, is what the perpetrators thought they were accomplishing…
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  • The habit of treating the POTUS as some kind of god-king responsible for everything that happens in the world is…
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  • There is always somebody somewhere who is doing something wrong. The official adoption of torture as policy began under the…
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  • Things got a great deal better in Libya. But, then again, that wasn't us who overthrew the government, but the…
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  • Even the UN is walking back that one investigator's remarks. I don't like people who bootstrap flimsy evidence about WMDs…
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  • Answering Grassley's question with wither a simple yes or no would demonstrate definitively that somebody is unqualified to hold office,…
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  • OK, guys, we need a strategy to fix our brand with young people.  Let's hear some ideas. Uh...young people hate…
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  • Sabotage. Treason requires working with an enemy.
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  • No, the US used white phosphorus rounds, which are not a gas weapon, but an incendiary weapon, and is not…
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  • "A lot of people forced into health care" That is a sick mind at work.
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  • Remember when Obama gave a few brief, subdued remarks from a podium in Brazil at the start of the Libya…
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  • But aren't the regional players already arming everyone?  What are our additional arms going to accomplish? The best-case scenario is…
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  • No blood for no oil! Uh...hold a sec, lemme google Syria's main export.  No blood for whatever that is!
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  • Yes, the Syrian and Libyan regimes responded with a great deal more violence than the Tunisian, Egyptian*, and Bahraini regimes.…
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  • OK, now how about little reality? http://cnsnews.com/news/article/syrian-president-assad-regarded-reformer-clinton-says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday drew a contrast between Syrian President…
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  • The position until now was clear, follow the blueprint used against Gaddafi and Libya. Um, yeah, like that air campaign…
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  • Candy, whatever the truth of these allegations, doesn't the existence of these questions put a cloud over Barack Obama's presidency?…
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  • I think you're assuming an unwarranted coherence and consistency among the rebels. There are a lot of different factions, and…
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  • Wait...so you're using your own prediction that Obama will attack Syria - a prediction that has been wrong for more…
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