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    He does make up for youth and lack-of-size with a surfeit of gusto.  I listened to the sound of shredding…
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  • Here's a photo showing four Tasmanian devil pups on an Aussie five cent coin (which is about the size of…
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  • You two sure get around.  I'd be jealous if I didn't have a very similar collection of photos (except Hawaii).…
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  • Good plan.
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  • LOL.  That's great.  Hector can only aspire to such heights.
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  • Yep, I needed the arrow. 😀
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  • Benign neglect supplies my berries as well. Your Buddha shot is charmingly exuberant.
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  • It is a lovely panorama, but I know exactly how you feel.
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  • Ooo, ooo baby Bassetts!  Would you call them "bassinets"?  
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  • Cool Katydid.
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  • I like how geckos smile.  When I lived in the desert, I used to keep day geckos in tropical vivarium,…
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  • A very nice collection of form-as-subject photos.
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  • You get my vote for "most random".
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  • Lovely color in all of them.
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  • It's about the only time in their lives that they are cute.  The mother has a gestation period of only…
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  • Yes, Australia has evolved to burn.  Unfortunately that rational is used by the timber harvesters to burn their slash piles,…
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  • I think Cat's Cradle is my favorite Vonnegut.  But it's Player Piano that resonates most strongly for me with our…
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  • They don't call 'em devils for nothing.  Adults eat their prey (or carrion) bones and all in less time that…
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  • I have no doubt whatsoever that it was wolves who domesticated themselves into dogs - we were just willing suckers…
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  • Minus 9! Yikes! It's warm here.  Intermittently, anyway. We've had a heat wave and a cold snap all in the…
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