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    Six-month-old baby Tasmanian devil Sunset (through bush fire smoke) Bennetts wallaby I know, with me it's always critters and landscapes,…
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  • [Bangs head] How could I have forgotten The Posionwood Bible?  It was one of those novels that when you finish…
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  • I met Sandra Cisneros many years ago. I think it was the same year The House on Mango Street was…
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  • Thanks for reminding me of Leslie Marmon Silko.  I've only read Ceremony, but I'll see about ordering Alamanac of the…
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  • Hurston! Yes.  I love her work.
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  • I liked The Left Hand of Darkness, it's a great concept, but it's not my favorite.  I'd place it amongst…
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  • Clearly you need Wallace (and Grommet) to design him an alarm clock.
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  • Colorful robe, isn't it? Imogen calls it my retired lolly (as in boiled hard candies) Jedi-master robe. I'd post a…
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  • I'd third that.
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  • If sci is your bailiwick, and it's certainly one of mine, I'd suggest Ursula Le Guin's The Dispossessed as one…
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  • Yep, I goofed on Harper, as I posted above.   And I didn't say those stories were not relevant to…
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  • Oops, My apoligies to Harper Lee.  I haven't had my morning cup of tea yet. And just to be clear,…
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  • And, predicably, all written by white men.   The Color Purple, by Alice Walker Beloved, by Toni Morrison Bread Givers,…
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  • Hector chewing his way out of his box. And seconds later, coming out to see why I'm sitting on his…
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  • Well, you could do what my mother did, stay in bed while we kids got ourselves fed, dressed, and out…
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  • Exactly, only in French.
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  • Or, from the point of the pet owner better for him to be chewing on his house than my house…
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  • Just a few minutes ago he was having a good chew on the Bauhaus, but every time I point my…
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  • He prefers to deconstruct from the inside outward, so it's hard to get a photo of him in action. I…
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  • There is section on deconstructive cat "art" in one of my favorite u-tubes - An Engineer's Guide to Cats.
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