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    I finally went to bed around 12:30am, and only woke-up once, at 3:30am.  After that I managed to sleep-in until…
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  • Yep, I'm still stuck in December as well, although the big 2009 date for me is January 24: p-day (as…
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  • Yep, you get your own maze to wander. The view is northward from the south half of Bruny island to…
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  • Since we live in the dry part of the state, we often pick the "wet" spots for vacations.  Besides, when…
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  • Not an illusion.  The whole front of the "Cockpit" is large panels of glass, gently arced at the joins. I…
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  • Christmas beetles, aka Golden Stag beetles Female Male
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  • Well, they won't be so teeny when she has them.  For the last few weeks of the pregnancy they'll be…
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  • Luna had her follow-up ultra-sound yesterday and to quote the vet, "wow, she's full of puppies". Since they were everywhere…
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  • Every year Imogen and I take a trip as an anniversary present to ourselves.  It might not actually fall on…
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  • The way Bebo sprawls reminds me a bit of a border collie cross I once had.  I used to call…
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  • I'm sure I've missed your allusion but must add that dogs have always been criminals. What other creature steals the…
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  • Good morning from New Year's Day! For the first time in many years we actually stayed up 'til midnight.  We…
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  • This young Yellowtail black cockatoo gave me the gimlet eye in response to the giant eyeball (camera lens) I was…
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  • From "Tune in Tomorrow" (pub 1994).
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  • from HuffPo, Dick Cheney: the Only Person in the World Who Doesn't Know Why He's Unpopular.
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  • Or, this being the computer age, make a folder on your computer and title it Beers. Here's what a page…
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  • Sounds like you are on top of it.  I think your original suspicion is probably correct. I broke my carboy…
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  • You can always try heating the bucket a bit (with a hot pad or similar - I have a "beer…
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  • My "In Bruges" review: Ploding Dark Violent Wonderfully acted POLITICALLY INCORRECT Brilliant
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  • I'd forgotten about the bleach and TSP (yikes, indeed).  I used to get a non-sulfite sterilizer when I lived in…
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