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    Doubt that Senate Democrats would filibuster.  They'll just let the GOP dump the crap on Obama's lap since they've already…
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  • Perhaps in your neck of the woods, "god talk" was a more prevalent component of political speak.  Except for the…
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  • I have a good nose for slick sleazebags.  A useful skill for a single woman in a male dominated business…
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  • FWIW - Quinnipiac had Ernst at 50% with a 6 point lead in early September when none of the other…
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  • Women?  Somewhat understandable when one wants to see one more like oneself so much that one's core principals get tossed…
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  • No less crazy than Democrats pining for Hillary Clinton.  The one difference is that Jeb! would give Republicans/conservatives somethings they…
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  • Could almost agree except there's no evidence that the GOP fails after two years in power.  They tend to do…
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  • Darwin never argued for randomness alone.  Only when random mutations conferred a differential and more environmentally adaptive trait to an…
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  • Imagining the shock among those old rightwing guys with the "feminazi" castration complex when they discover that they hired a…
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  • I wasn't a parochial school kid, but my catechism teachers were usually nuns.  Fifty years ago Sister J, my favorite…
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  • Calling it for Gardner and Ernst, combined with the sure losses in MT, WV, and SD, means that you're also…
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  • On the narrow issue of Ebola as a naturally occurring virus and the abilities of health professionals and public health…
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  • Without government initiatives and investments electricity and clean safe water wouldn't be in many of those homes, wouldn't be many…
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  • Speaking of short memories, I still can't figure out how a second GHWB would have been different from all the…
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  • Bernie will be 75 years old in 2016. And while he appears to be healthy and have more stamina than…
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  • Have you noticed how old Jerry Brown is?  And most of those you've listed are or will be in their…
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  • Probably true.  But if it were a bunch of experienced, qualified, and charismatic fifty-something year olds lining up for the…
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  • Right now, it seems like Hillary will probably have coattails, ... Why would she?  She's an uninspiring campaigner, speaks language…
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  • On the hundred year anniversary of Dr. Jonas Salk, am grateful that public health was more important to this nation…
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  • Finally, while the media is largely ignoring any substantive aspects of these elections, they are delivering a steady drumbeat of…
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