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    There's a bit more information wrt Margaret Carlson's family in this 2001 NYTimes announcement, but the answer to your question:…
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  • CARLSON (10/10/00): Gore's fabrications may be inconsequential--I mean, they're about his life. Bush's fabrications are about our life, and what…
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  • Maybe it's not an ideology, but many independents have a preference for divided government or one GOP and one DEM.…
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  • Braley may only need a vote swing from the polls as small as Franken managed in 2008: 2.9% Or Bennet…
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  • While I would prefer that we have fewer political dynasties, would be heartened if Carter and Nunn win.
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  • Will add my congrats to the chorus here. Must read at The Nation Mitch McConnell's Freighted Ties to a Shadowy…
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  • Meanwhile, the return of open racism is revolting and depressing, but it's also a loser in the long term. If…
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  • Was referencing the messaging playbook that candidates are using.  They aren't like those used in 2006, 2008, 2012.  GOTV is…
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  • All the Republicans challenging in the Senate races are nutso.  The Democrats are all sane and have no personal corruption…
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  • ...his tone tells you that the Beltway crowd is wanting to take down another President. Not limited to the Beltway.…
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  • Has Rothenberg been reading Booman's projections?
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  • He has legislature experience and could possibly explore the Presidency in the 2024 time frame.  After all, Barack Obama has…
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  • You're O/T.  There are plenty of opportunities for you to repeat your spiels at BT and other sites.  And it's…
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  • I'm surprised their heads don't explode with all the cognitive dissonance they carry around with themselves everyday.
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  • Might be related to Clarence Thomas.  Who has done well for himself by denying that he's black and aligning himself…
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  • It's interesting to look at the 2010 GOP "big gains": IL, IN, PA, WI.  The first one was open (D)…
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  • Sen Lindsey Graham: "I'm sorry the government's so f---ed up. If I get to be president, white men in male-only…
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  • started going off about ten minutes ago.   News faster than the internet Giants Win World Series.  If if they…
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  • We could argue endlessly.  I'd say that the DEM Party began to lose its base by not repealing Taft-Hartley and…
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  • USA Today Unmanned Antares rocket explodes on launch An unmanned commercial rocket headed for the International Space Station to deliver…
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