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    Nice overview of how the Federal Reserve is structured.  How it "works" is a bit more of a black box,…
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  • I have this ongoing fantasy of what things would be like today if Congresses from 1981 on had been more…
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  • Should have said, "arrogantly ignorant and cruel."  I refuse to accept the excuse that an amorphous PermaGov is some all…
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  • Oh right, the preciousness of "my direct, in-the-street experience as a working musician playing primarily minority-based musics in primarily-minority populated…
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  • Robert Parry on 'Kill the Messenger' ... Hollywood's treatment of this sordid affair will likely draw another defensive or dismissive…
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  • First report on NYFF screening of Citizenfour. Poitras kept her comments following the screening to a minimum, and thanked her…
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  • Audiences/fans age along with the musicians.  Although do have a bit of a problem imagining a gray haired set showing…
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  • I can still recall as a kid how my eyes stung when hitting the Los Angeles smog belt.  LA's Pollution…
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  • As a New Yorker, your perception may be skewed by the 1973 Rockefeller Drug Law.  In the rest the country,…
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  • A portion of it as I thought my comment implied.  However, the heavier stuff impacts a regional environment more, particularly…
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  • Without team Reagan's Iranian "October Surprise," getting a door open for the arms for cash deal to illegally fund the…
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  • Air pollution hits 20 times safe levels in northern China ...Chinese authorities registered small pollutant particles (PM2.5) at more than…
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  • Crack is for poor people; powdered cocaine and prescription narcotics are for wealthier people.  The so-called "crack epidemic" was later…
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  • I'm not sure the two year term for House and Assembly seats is long enough anymore.  It was fine when…
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  • If only those negative forces/people that made it necessary for many Noble Peace Prize individuals and organizations to do their…
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  • Wouldn't say that Iran/Contra was worse than Watergate if the latter includes the hiding of the Nixon/Kissinger 1968 "October Surprise"…
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  • Term limits solve nothing.  They are a cynical ploy that fosters 1) voter laziness 2) the notion that legislating and…
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  • I know you mean well, but 1) drug usage/abuse in minority communities is equal to or less than that in…
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  • The very definition of narcissism.
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  • We're probably grateful that we didn't have to see Jim Morrison adjust to MTV or Jimi Hendrix trade yucks with…
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