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    have any of the countries in the region put boots on the ground to fight these guys? Those guys are…
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  • btw, what appear to be flukes are only low probability occurrences and they happen everyday.
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  • Not often is there but a single possible scenario based on a single factoid.  While I'm not currently buying the…
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  • Or is this the NYT's latest assignment from the CIA, Pentagon, or WH? (Sorry, of late have been reading/thinking too…
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  • In a legitimate investigation, an oxygen mask strap around the neck of a passenger could either be a clue as…
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  • This smells like disinformation.  Pushing the propaganda towards a BUK felled MH 17 and that's what Kiev has been asserting…
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  • Can anyone explain ... I can guess.  The general public pays no attention to Grand Prix auto racing.  Why trash…
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  • Ranking Member Cummings and Chairman Sanders Investigate Staggering Price Increases for Generic Drugs "Staggering" as in increases from 388% to…
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  • wrt Davis' hair -- would have done it gradually beginning when she first considered running for governor.  The pink/green tennis…
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  • I do debates sound off first.  Tends to highlight all the visuals that people do pick up but not usually…
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  • Thanks for the report.  Troubling that even game hunters, the ones that were never in danger of losing their precious…
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  • Appears as if he was a bystander in a non-consensual relationship break-up.  The most dangerous time for a woman when…
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  • Not so many aged 51 and none of them are running for Governor.  Boob jobs and showing lots of cleavage…
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  • Yes, it's a legitimate attack ad.  However, it's not smart and savvy campaigning for four reasons.  First, it's too weak…
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  • Of course, a lot of people evidently do like being terrified, so what do I know? Most grow out of…
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  • Republicans don't have unfortunate accidents; they are always victims deserving financial redress. My dear friend D incurred a similar injury.…
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  • Yes, we USians are close to the world's 1%. Recently at Starbucks, ended up in conversation with a lovely mid-thirties…
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  • Too true.
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  • Would like to agree, but can't ignore the easy acceptance of wars and bombing and droning innocent people in other…
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  • For almost fifty years, the GOP struggled to find a "happy talk" pol that could win and begin implementing their…
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