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    Politicians mantra: crisis (real or imaginary) = opportunity (for money and/or power if properly exploited). Recall how fast the Patriot…
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  • Should add that Africa does matter -- that's why Africom was set up.  The US is deeply troubled by the…
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  • In fairness (cough, cough) at the time, the US and European countries were preoccupied with Syria and Ukraine.  How to…
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  • Considering Pornogate, just the latest in seemingly endless reports of really dumb things that people do on employer computers, not…
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  • Sounds like the post 9/11 "duct tape and plastic sheeting" as terrorist protective.   Don't know about Germany, but a…
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  • Remember to differentiate between the wealthy and GOP politicians and their voter base.  The former manipulates the latter through emotional…
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  • Not disbarred as of July: South Carolina licensing officials accused of suppressing lawyer's 1st Amendment rights.  Fascinating that even in…
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  • Before today, had never heard of this creep -- blissful ignorance.  But Democrats in SC are in the know and…
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  • You're conflating the personal with the political.  It doesn't work that way for RWNJs.  Yes, they hate poor women, particularly…
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  • Not his only recommendation, and maybe not the most vile: There's just no other way with Ebola. We need to…
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  • They have a problem with poors and browns getting abortions. Uh, no.  They have a problem with white women impregnated…
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  • Don't we know the purpose (or reasonably certain of it)?  The mystery is who he was servicing.  
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  • Looked as if they received more support from the orchestra musicians than the audience. The audience was a bit small…
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  • Mega-churches with bus fleets came later.  (Although I'm not sure why bus fleets are so important.)  The captive audience were…
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  • However, Republicans had a network of propaganda radio stations the minimized the necessity to do the GOTV work, Also a…
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  • Conceptually what you're missing is that SSI and Medicare (Part A) are insurance programs and not annuities.  (Medicare B-D are…
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  • Erdogan signed on to toppling the Assad regime.  If he doesn't now like all the unintended consequences, well, tough shit.
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  • Except early in the history of this country and Caribbean sugar plantations at that time, "voluntary" was more often than…
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  • Healthcare probably includes Medicare for which I would only include the shortfall. Huh?  Payroll taxes only fund Medicare Part A…
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  • And maintained an embargo on the slave trade by other countries via the British Navy? Not quite as clean as…
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