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    Morse and Giron last ran and won in 2010. 2010 Morse - 13,866 GOP   - 13,526 other - 1,320…
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  • Yes, not getting this: A big blow to Morse and Giron was a ruling that prohibited voting by mail in…
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  • But the credible threat of force is what got Russia to come to the table on disarmament after a year…
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  • Did the $55 million ever get to the island? A pittance really in comparison with the need.  But enough to…
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  • So many of us in real time perceived the hand of the US in that theft of Chile's democracy.  But…
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  • Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower presents a good starting point for the modern rise in fundamentalist Islam.
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  • Not an aberration, but the intensity and scale, as well as civilians being direct targets for aerial bombardment was a…
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  • This is incorrect: Most likely the Clinton experience 1998 of attacking Saddam Hussein's defense establishments to force UN inspections influenced…
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  • That's too narrow.  He and Zawahiri abhor western values and the governing elites of their respective countries that exist with…
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  • Echoes of 1962? Putin Sets No-Attack Condition on Syrian Chemical Weapons Plan ... Russia's effort to reach a deal "makes…
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  • Then this from the NYTimes suggests that the US tells Israel what to do and that means that we are…
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  • We also know when team Obama began sending in all those helpful military trainers in support of Syrian rebels.
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  • We'll never know now will we?   But we do know when Obama made his "red line" declaration.  And who…
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  • How do Obama and Kerry explain their failure, after pulling out every rhetorical trick in the book, to take down,…
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  • No, but the conservative activism within US churches ramped up in three waves after WWII.  First was the anti-communism paranoia…
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  • Wonder if the "blank cheque" was payable in cash or more like the one that GHWB accepted in 1990/91 from…
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  • Libertarians as the New Communists ... Yes, liberty is a core American value, and an overweening state can be unhealthy.…
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  • Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson on All In with Chris Hayes states what the facts and history of the CW ban suggests.…
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  • This also inadvertently exposes the R2P big lie, along with the claim that it's the release of CW that has…
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  • Inquiring minds would like to know if Kerry knew who he was quoting and expected observers to be too dumb…
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