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    We all have a clinker or two in our thinker.  Arthur just has a really big clinker with his Ron…
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  • Not supposed to look back.  Only forward.  And watch the reluctant and self-identified liberals slowly talk themselves into the need…
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  • "Our little brains" includes me; so, not sure why you take personal offense at a reminder that we're all human.…
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  • IOW - if Russia and China followed the rules that the US constructed then we wouldn't have invaded or facilitated…
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  • Please stop with you ridiculous and exceedingly simplistic "solution." Racism, misogyny, and homophobia aren't meaningless quirks of the Pauls or…
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  • Rome Statute. Only those countries that have signed and ratified it can be considered "serious about international law."  The US…
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  • Ask yourself a simple question.  Why haven't nukes been banned?  For lethality and horrendous deaths and injuries, CW is but…
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  • Noticed that somebody at dKos finally also connected those dots.  It's not as if the GOP crazies haven't been openly…
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  • What Arthur said.  Our little brains hold some serious misconceptions about CW that have become very useful to wealthy warmongering…
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  • Oh, Arthur you stole my thunder.  I've been slowly thinking through the whole issue of CW and how curious it…
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  • First it isn't known what chemical agent was released.  Even less known is who is responsible for the release.  The…
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  • Fifty years later.  After we fire-bombed Dresden and Tokyo, nuked Japan, and dropped napalm and agent orange on Vietnam.  My,…
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  • Who are you dismissing as the "free-lance" journalist?  The one at the WSJ that reported on the call to Ban…
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  • Might lead to a new revenue source for US lawyers.  From the NYT For Some Afghans, Cost of Doing Business…
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  • Also In Rush to Strike Syria, US Tried to Derail UN Probe ... After the deal was announced on Sunday,…
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  • Was posing a rhetorical question and waiting to see if the call to hold the individuals and corporation criminally liable…
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  • Not disputing that a chemical agent was released in one or more locations in Syria.  Questioning the fatality and injury…
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  • That's from the Syrian Revolution General Commission.  IOW, the rebels.  Not exactly an independent and objective source.  And yet their…
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  • Possibly only those that back in 2002 considered the possibility that Saddam didn't have any WMD.  And that whatever he…
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  • Was the Fukishima plant a unique design?   Are there any parts of Japan that aren't in earthquake zones?
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