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    They don't always agree on the next enemy target.  (McCain would have had us defending Georgia against Russia.)  The next…
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  • Article begins with: A big group of foreign policy experts, from across the ideological spectrum, is calling on President Obama…
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  • White House: Carney: "The options that we are considering are not about regime change." Except US official policy for years…
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  • Well, in this country we never admit that our war-making is about oil, gas, and/or other valuable natural resource.  Fortunately…
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  • IOW - you think Assad is stupid.  Doesn't get it that he's in the crosshairs of the KSA, Qatar, Israel,…
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  • Kerry told me who he had become in 2002 with his IWR vote.  (Like he was until March 1, 1970…
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  • Wouldn't Assad and his cohorts have to be suicidal and nuts to launch such an attack?  What would they potentially…
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  • You're accepting the allegation that the Syrian government willfully released chemical weapons.  Did we get it right in the Iran/Iraq…
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  • Lebanon will likely be a component of that collateral damage.  
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  • A Short Guide to the Middle East Submitted to FT by K-N Al-Sabah Sir, Iran is backing Assad. Gulf states…
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  • So, my generation has talented people with whom I agree, and talented people with whom I don't. So what? Isn't…
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  • How is a suspicion (by "credible researchers") that the CIA promulgated outlandish JFK assassination stories to discredit the work of…
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  • No they don't.  They just keep repeating "bullshit artist" and "GG schtick" like dittoheads.  There was one dKos diary that…
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  • With statements like It's actually the Edwards supporters who are worshiping at the altar of Greenwald. you have the audacity…
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  • It is fine to report claims, but you're also supposed to validate those claims. Hmm -- and exactly how was…
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  • I specifically referenced Woodward and Bernstein wrt Watergate.  Not Woodward who alone isn't much of a journalist or writer.  (Wish…
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  • I only took two minutes and used a cut-off age of 45 (mid-forties).  With more time and an additional five…
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  • The "mirror image of Rush" is focusing on minutia, mostly irrelevant, that may be in error or the tone and…
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  • Not looking good for your generation so far: Scott Walker - 45 Paul Ryan - 43 Ted Cruz - 42…
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  • The March on Washington was the first organized Negro operation that was accorded respect and coverage commensurate with its importance.…
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