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    True but that's the covert side of their little family industry.  It's the CPAC and "leftie" "libertarians"  that have elevated…
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  • Why the (bleep) do the Pauls pitching the warmed over Pat Buchanan schtick even have "national stature?"
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  • -- Free Market in Education -- ...The key to restoring quality education is to replace the bureaucratic control of education…
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  • Because they have to fill their quota of crazy-ass Republicans running for POTUS to appeal to the same contingents of…
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  • Sometimes I wonder if you really have listened to the basic facts in this case. You might want to take…
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  • I lived in LA when the Rodney King verdict came down -- close enough to the rioting that I choked…
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  • Yes.  But which handful.  That's the question that's confounded researchers for decades. On a personal level, was there anybody with…
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  • That's a lot of cooks in the kitchen.   I like my conspiracies a bit smaller.  Easier to contain and…
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  • That's an interesting Oct 2001 report.  Our "good friend" Pakistan again. Not sure except for brief moments in time that…
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  • As far as I can determine Angleton was mad as a hatter. LOL.  Also appeared that he had company at…
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  • No better time than the upcoming fiftieth anniversary of the assassination to try to cash with a book on a…
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  • Amazing how many various individuals, groups, factions had reasons enough to want to kill JFK.  Also amazing that those right-wing…
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  • Like the vast majority of Americans, I agree that Oswald as a lone shooter nut case isn't satisfactory.  We're all…
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  • Agree that a Cuban and/or USSR plot is low probability.  And yet here we have a brand new book Castro's…
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  • Is that one still an active hypothesis?  Thought it had been dumped years ago.
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  • I don't really want to invest any time reading and/or thinking about it because it always circles back to one…
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  • Agree that those Benghazi eyewitness accounts were interesting.  Once filtered for imprecision, mushiness, and unreasonableness, there were enough individual reports…
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  • That's where all the energy and passion on this case should be directed to.  "Equal justice" for all those young…
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  • So?  That list looks impressive, but it's really low level. If he were a CIA false defector, all those signals…
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  • Disturbing.  Suggests that racial tensions haven't declined.  However, there could be factors other than race of victim and perpetrator that…
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