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    Possibly no more astute today than he ever was. But a little-known Free Syrian Army battalion named Brigade 313-Special Missions…
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  • How many CPAC straw polls did Ron Paul win? Agree with what you've said, but you may be discounting the…
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  • Also wanted to note that the US backed destruction of left leaning governments was stealthier and more pervasive after the…
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  • Slightly off topic -- Boyce worked at TRW and had access to real time intel documents in hand as Snowden…
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  • Hey asshole, how much grief in your real life in 2002-2003 were you subjected to for asserting that there were…
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  • I too don't know what the real story is -- whether it's heavily embellished and/or distorted but very broadly accurate…
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  • If that were the totality of the appeal of the Pauls, daddy would have fared well in southern states in…
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  • Which Egyptians are you referring to that I "left out?" I closely observed the 2011 revolution and noted that the…
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  • Maybe she learned from Bobby and preferred not to leave two orphans.  Or maybe she wasn't so easily obsessed with…
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  • Now you're just being silly.  Ari was hardly the first extremely wealthy man that desired a trophy wife and Jackie…
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  • Depends on the objective.  If it was to find a better puppet for another dozen years of war, it was…
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  • What makes you think al Qaeda released any of those fake recordings?   How difficult to you think it would…
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  • There's always the Diem option.  
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  • Unless...oh my God! His own wife is part of the conspiracy! Which wife?  Who verified the identity of the wives…
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  • From al Jazeera: In the audio, a voice which appears to be bin Laden's referred to the wave of revolutions…
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  • Fewer seem to feel that the OBL escape, hiding for nine years, and Abottabad shoot-out stinks than those that felt…
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  • Thought we were discussing Qatar, KSA, Egypt, MB, and Salafists.  UAE and its affiliations and alignments is undoubtedly interesting and…
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  • So, US ME foreign policy has switched from the less conservative MB (Qatar backed) to the conservative Salifi (KSA backed)?…
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  • Not getting this: Hillary Clinton policy of support for the Muslim Brotherhood is dead. John Kerry is re-aligning US ME…
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  • Not an issue of "less Cheney."  Wyoming Republicans are just fine with the Cheneys.  Or that Lizzie is viewed as…
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